Welcome to my blog! My goal is to share my excitement for the brain with you! I hope that, within time, you share this same fascination with me and realize that the human nervous system is a complex and fascinating structure whose capabilities are far-reaching. We still have only uncovered very little of the brain's secrets! I hope that, as we progress through this blog, we will uncover more secrets about our fascinating nervous system that makes us who we are. Enjoy!
Let's take a look at a cell. One thing that you will find common among all cells is the cell membrane - whether it's an animal cell, a plant cell or a bacterial cell. While this layer may only be ten nanometers thick, it has an intricate molecular structure designed for efficient transport of material into and out of the cell. This property is known as selective permeability , the control of the passage of materials across the cell membrane. The cell membrane is designed in a way that substances having certain properties are unable to enter or leave the cell (this movement across the cell boundary is known as transport ). The fluid mosaic model describes how substances, mainly cholesterol, phospholipids and proteins, slide freely in the membrane. First, let's start with the phospholipid bilayer . A phospholipid a complex lipid with a "head" and a "tail". The head is made of one polar/hydrophilic phosphate group and a glycerol molecule. The ta...
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